Sharing Methods to Facilitate Practice for Youth at Risk of Marginalisation

The project focuses on disseminating methods that make it easier for young people at risk of marginalisation to engage in outdoor sports. This includes creating a collaborative space for dialogue and exchange among European stakeholders working in this area. The exchange program will involve professionals and volunteers from various sectors, including supervision, research, social or youth engagement, and public policies related to the development and organisation of nature sports at local, regional, national, or European levels. The goal is to compile and discuss available knowledge, practices, and allow stakeholders to converse about their expertise, approaches, methods, and tools.

Aggregating and promoting Existing Knowledge for practitioners, sports associations, social stakeholders and outdoor sports Policy Makers

This involves comparing actions implemented in different countries to promote physical activity through outdoor sports and providing a comprehensive analysis of their features. The results will include reports on the inclusion processes and the accessibility challenges linked to increased participation in natural areas.

Identifying Best Practices</p> <p>

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The initiative has been developed to foster social inclusion among youth exposed to marginalisation risks through outdoor sports.. Sports serve as vital instruments for social engagement and personal development. The European Commission’s White Paper on Sport advocates for the integration of sports into broader policies of education, public health, and social cohesion, emphasising the importance of making sports accessible to vulnerable groups.

This project specifically addresses the challenge of physical inactivity in an increasingly urbanised society. Outdoor ports offer a diverse range of opportunities for individuals of all ages and backgrounds, presenting minimal barriers to participation. 

Benjamin Billet, Head of International Unit, CREPS AuRA

Outdoor sports are pivotal in promoting activity and contact with nature. Among the physically inactive European population, 40% indicate that they could imagine resuming physical activity through nature sports (Eurobarometer). The project “Benefits of Outdoor Sports for Society,” funded by Erasmus+ and developed by ENOS partners, concluded that nature sports effectively combine the positive outcomes of physical activity and nature, significantly improving mental health and well-being. They can also be effectively used to promote reconnection with nature and can improve education and awareness of environmental challenges.

One of the primary objectives of the project is to gather, discuss, popularise, and make accessible existing knowledge on the barriers to participation in nature sports activities among young people facing inclusion issues. The project will enable European experts in the field to meet and develop their knowledge and expertise on the subject to disseminate it through networks of professionals, sports federations, and actors in the development of sport and nature sports in Europe.

Kick-Off Meeting

Sweden 2023



To gain greater understanding of the main challenges and barriers facing young people especially those at risk of social exclusion to be able to engage in long term sustained participation and learning mobility in and through outdoor sports. 

To examine any examples of where outdoor sports organisations have overcome these barriers and challenges and to ascertain how this was done and the degree of effectiveness that have been achieved.

To examine any examples of where outdoor sports organisations have overcome these barriers and challenges and to ascertain how this was done and the degree of effectiveness that have been achieved.