The European Network of Outdoor Sports is thrilled to announce the upcoming 1st European Outdoor Sports Education Summit, taking place from September 18th to 21st, 2023 in Saint André-en-Royans, Vercors, Alps-France. This flagship initiative of the ENOS, in partnership with CREPS Auvergne Rhône Alpes will bring together outdoor sports education and training stakeholders from across Europe to network, share best practices, ideate projects, and shape the direction of the Campus for years to come.

Overall Objective

The long-term objective of this event is to build an enhanced, dynamic, resilient, modern and inclusive outdoor sports education system through transnational cooperation.

Profile of the participants

The Summit is intended and is primarily intended to contact persons for the Outdoor Sports Education Campus (see below) whether as educators or trainer or representing an organization that provides these services.


The Summit’s two-day program is designed to respond to a number of objectives such as networking, best practice sharing, project ideation The content of the Summit has been carefully crafted to make it an opportunity for participants to shape the direction for the Campus in the next years. The Summit will also emphasize environmental transition as a main theme for discussions.

More information

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Official invite

Don’t miss out on this chance to connect with like-minded individuals and shape the direction of our field – register now for the 1st European Outdoor Sports Education Summit! Registration information can be found here

A key element of the European Outdoor Sports Campus

Organisations participating in the European Outdoor Sports Education Summit, should be affiliated with the European Outdoor Sports Campus. Being part of the European Outdoor Sports Campus offers numerous benefits and is a highly advantageous decision for individuals and organizations involved in outdoor sports education.

Here are a few reasons why joining the campus is a great idea:

  1. Collaborative Networking: The European Outdoor Sports Campus serves as a hub for professionals, educators, and enthusiasts in the field of outdoor sports education. By becoming a part of this community, individuals and organizations gain access to a vast network of like-minded individuals and institutions. This enables collaboration, knowledge sharing, and the opportunity to connect with potential partners or mentors.
  2. Enhanced Professional Development: The campus provides a wealth of resources and opportunities for professional development. From workshops and training sessions to conferences and seminars, members of the campus can stay updated with the latest trends, research, and best practices in outdoor sports education. This continuous learning environment fosters personal growth and ensures that members are equipped with the necessary skills to excel in their respective roles.
  3. Exchange of Ideas and Innovation: The European Outdoor Sports Campus encourages the exchange of ideas and fosters an atmosphere of innovation. Being part of this community allows individuals and organizations to share their experiences, challenges, and innovative solutions with others. This collaborative environment can spark creativity and inspire new approaches to teaching, coaching, and organizing outdoor sports activities.
  4. International Recognition: The European Outdoor Sports Campus enjoys a reputation for excellence and credibility in the field of outdoor sports education. By joining this esteemed community, individuals and organizations can enhance their own reputation and gain international recognition for their expertise and contributions. This recognition can open doors to new opportunities, partnerships, and collaborations at a global level.
  5. Access to Funding and Grants: The campus often provides access to funding opportunities and grants specifically tailored for outdoor sports education initiatives. By being part of the campus, individuals and organizations can tap into these resources, which can support the development of new projects, research endeavors, or community outreach programs. This financial assistance can significantly contribute to the growth and success of members’ endeavors.

By joining the campus, members can further their careers, contribute to the field, and make a positive impact on outdoor sports education.

More information about the European Outdoor Sports Campus can be found here.