ENOS and the Governo Regional dos Açores – July 2022
ENOS is delighted to be participating in a discovery journey, discussions and a conference with the Azores Department for Coordination, Physical Activity, Innovation and Studies and the Regional Directorate for Sport during the first week of July 2022.
The conference will bring together stakeholders from across Europe along with representatives from the Azores islands departments for sport, education tourism and the environment. The topic is “Outdoor Sports and Green Sports” a discovery journey. ENOS representatives will highlight the findings from the Benefits of Outdoor Sports for Society project that shows the tangible benefits to individuals and communities for participating in outdoor sports. We will also showcase the work we are doing to implement our policy position on the European Green Deal along with the work of the Sustainability in Environmental Education in Outdoor Sports.
We will be sharing the findings from this event across the network and see how we can implement any learnings as a result.
Get to know the official programme :