What are the ingredients of an Outdoor City? Which practices and structures support the urban population in being active outdoors to create happier and healthier lives?
These questions were at the centre of STANDOUT’s first Knowledge Exchange in Silkeborg, Denmark on 14-17 May 2024. The self-proclaimed Outdoor Capital provided an excellent setting to learn about good practices for incorporating the outdoors in an urban environment. Hosted in AQUA wildlife park and various community venues around the city, the project partners connected in person for the first time to learn, discuss and drive STANDOUT forward.

For the presentations and workshops, a number of officials, practitioners and stakeholders were invited to share their experience and knowledge: how to create the accessible outdoors for all – youth, handicapped and elderly alike. Silkeborg municipal representatives, Danish nature agency, educators, lake sports club volunteers, DGI, Ungdomsskole and other stakeholders’ representatives added perspectives to the understanding what it takes to institute European Outdoor Cities. The participants further experienced the outdoors of Silkeborg by bike and canoe, eating and sleeping outdoors.

Special thanks to Heiko Buch-Stilling from the Outdoor Institute to arrange this inspiring exchange. Over the summer, the project partners are now incorporating the learnings to define outdoor sports and work towards standards before meeting again in Lecco, Italy, for the second exchange.