On 3 March, the European Parliament in Strasbourg will welcome a multitude of sports and environmental stakeholders. The idea? To discuss, together – and in the framework of the European Union French Presidency (EUFP) – a “green and sustainable pact for sport”…
“Towards a green and sustainable pact for sport”: a ministerial conference combining sports and ecology
Like the majority of sectors in our societies, the sporting world is increasingly affected by climate change. This raises the question of its development: how can we envisage the evolution of practices, whose health and social benefits are no longer to be proven, in such an uncertain environment? What future can we expect for sport, given the ecological emergency it is facing?
By positioning sports organisations as stakeholders in the European Union’s Green Deal strategy, the ministerial conference “Vers un pacte vert et durable pour le sport” aims to engage them on several ecological issues related to physical activity. Organised on March 3rd at the European Parliament in Strasbourg – in the framework of the EUFP -, the event will be an opportunity to question them on the reduction of emissions linked to transport, the reduction of waste, the preservation of natural environments, the respect of seasonality, the evolution towards more sober practices or the education to sustainable development objectives…
A conference organised in three stages around key topics
In order to clarify the exchanges, the conference will be organised in differents stages. Athletes, representatives of environmental and sports NGOs, the private sector, organisations such as Paris 2024 and institutions such as the French Ministry of Sports will speak on the following topics:
– What are the consequences of climate change on the practice of sport and what impact can sport have on the environment?
– Towards a greener and more sustainable sport: what inspiring ideas and solutions to adopt, between adaptation and mitigation?
– What future perspectives can we expect?
These are all topics of interest to ENOS members, who will certainly attend!
An echo to the work of ENOS and to the SEE National Seminar, scheduled for next May

Beyond the enhancement of the community dimension, dear to the European Nature Sports Network, this conference resonates strongly with the actions that the latter is carrying out in the framework of the SEE project. If some of the ENOS members will talk about their own projects during this conference – it is notably the case of the environmental NGO Surfrider Foundation Europe which will intervene during the second round table -, this event will appear above all as a good introduction to the SEE National Seminar, organised on 12 and 13 May, at the European Centre for Nature Sports of the Creps in Vallon-Pont-d’Arc. You will be informed of this major event very soon…