The Outdoor Sports Euro’meet is a biennial professional conference, is open to all and has a strong focus on sustainability. It brings together key stakeholders from outdoor sports, tourism, the environment and local development to discuss and share knowledge on the strategic development of outdoor sports. This event is managed by ENOS (the European Network of Outdoor Sports) in partnership with a local organizing committee and normally takes place at the end of September. A key element of the Euro’meet is aiming to ensure that it is managed in ways that are as sustainable as possible and the carbon impact is both measured and offset.

ENOS is a non for profit European network whose mission is “Taking action together for the sustainable and responsible development of outdoor sports across Europe”. Members are other European networks, professional outdoor providers, universities, federations and clubs and both national and regional public bodies.

Philosophy: The development and management of the Outdoor Sports Euro’meet is a partnership arrangement between the local host area and ENOS. The partnership working is based on key values of trust, commitment, reliability, efficiency and open-ness with a key theme of sustainability running through it..

The host candidate should consider the event as an investment in outdoor sports development and knowledge sharing for its area. This event enables sharing of good practice and the opportunity to explore different ideas, thereby encouraging coordinated and concerted solutions. It is an excellent opportunity for the host candidate to develop learning and skills within their area.

Host candidates are likely to be local authorities or other not for profit bodies from the sports, environment, tourism, or local development sector who have responsibility for the sustainable development of outdoor sports. It is important that the host candidate develops a local partnership involving representatives from a range of relevant sectors.

There is an extensive level of organisation required for the Outdoor Sport Euro’meet and therefore the local host candidate needs to have the capacity, required time and availability to do it effectively, in partnership with the ENOS Management Committee.

The host candidate also must secure an appropriate budget to run an event of this scale with up to 300 delegates attending.

Format of the event

The local organizing committee in conjunction with the ENOS Management Committee has an opportunity to shape the programme to meet local needs and to be innovative and creative.

However, the normal format of the event is as follows:

  1. It will take place over 3 days.
  2. It is an “in-person” event but there should be consideration to certain elements being hybrid or at least recorded for further dissemination.
  3. It will normally take place at the end of September but there should be liaison to ensure that the date does not clash with other partner events such as the Europarc conference and the European Outdoor Summit.
  4. There should be a strong encouragement, incentives and recommendations for delegates to travel as sustainably as possible to the event.
  5. The normal language of the event is English and translation to the local language is likely to be required.
  6. There will be an opening and closing ceremony and plenary session.
  7. There will be at least 1 and a maximum of 3 key themes to be explored throughout the event in relation to outdoor sport development and management.
  8. There will be a keynote speaker to set the scene for each of the themes.
  9. There will be a range of speakers and facilitators for workshops that will be collated through an open call with clear section criteria.
  10. There will be a significant opportunity for discussion, networking and sharing of ideas.
  11. There will be practical site visits and activities that showcase developments and/or challenges in the local area (linked to the agreed themes).
  12. There may be a networking or specific work day the day before the event.
  13. The ENOS General Assembly will take place at the event (usually in an evening).
  14. There should be a closing conference dinner.
  15. There should be the opportunity for delegates to remain on after the event to explore the area and participate in further outdoor sports activities.

Find out about the previous EuroMeet